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782 bytes added, 19:36, 24 April 2013
Created page with "==How to create your own page/story== # Click on your name at the top right hand side of the page. # A window you can type into (edit) will come up. # Type your story here or..."
==How to create your own page/story==

# Click on your name at the top right hand side of the page.
# A window you can type into (edit) will come up.
# Type your story here or you can paste it into here from something like Word, but better to do it in the Edit box here.
# When you have finished make sure you click "Save Page" at the bottom.

===How to create the Title for your story===

At the top of the story, where you would put the title, click the = 2 times. Then type in Kerry's Story or Godzilla's Story (or whatever your name is) and click the = 2 times again.

If you are not sure if you are doing it right, then click the "Show Preview" button at the bottom of the page and you can see how it will look. But don't forget to click "Save Page" when you have finished!

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