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Teresal's Pregnancy Story

29 bytes added, 19:48, 13 May 2013
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On the 12th November 2009 we had three embryos transferred (graded “8C3-3, 8C3-2 and 6C3-2”) and were basically told not to get our hopes up as these embryos where not the best and a bit “grainy” (whatever that meant), anyway we proved them wrong when we tested at home with the good old Clear Blue Digital Pregnancy test on the 23rd November 2009, we could not believe what we were seeing, yes it really said pregnant, after the initial tears of joy the shock settled in and the reality was the we could actually have anything from one child to three (or six after some wise person indicated that they could divide) inside me.
[[File:Teresalspregnancy Pics1 023.JPG|300px]]
[[File:Teresalsfirstscan Pics 022 17th dec 09.jpg|300px]]
[[File:Teresals2ndscan Pics 001.jpg|300px]]
The 2nd February eventually arrived and off we went for another scan, yet again I was full of cold but otherwise all was fine, the nosebleeds had eased off and thankfully I wasn’t anaemic. Scan went fine; baby definitely a baby now and continued to measure fine.
[[File:Teresals3rdscan Pics.JPG|300px]]
24th March 2010, detailed scan day, this was the one where we would get good pictures of our baby, very excited at this prospect. This scan was really good until the sonographer said that she thought she could see a problem with the kidneys (a condition called Antenatal Detected Renal Pyelectasis), we were taken into a room to await the consultant, he explained that there could be another reason that the kidneys didn’t look quite right and that could be that baby was either due to have a wee or in the process of doing a wee, we are to be scanned again at 34 weeks (seems such a long time away, I mean 14 weeks that’s a lifetime isn’t it).
[[File:Teresalsfinalscan Pics.jpgjpg300px]]

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