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Easter egg balloons

27 bytes added, 13:40, 27 April 2013
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You will need:
 Balloons, Small chocolate treats or small gift, 2 Different Coloured Washable Paints, PVA Glue, String. Method:
Mix each coloured paint with equal parts PVA glue separately and mix until combined.
Cut 4 long lengths of string.
Dip 2 lengths of string into each each of the two pots of paint/glue until covered.
 Pop a chocolate treat or small gift inside a balloon, and blow the balloon up, but not too big. 
Pick a piece of the string and begin to wind around the balloon. Then take a string from the second pot and do the same.
Repeat with the final two lengths of string until you have closed off the gaps, until you have a ,net' like appearance.
Leave to dry overnight.
Once dry, pop the balloon and pull through the hole.
Hey Presto!

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