Playing with corn flour

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Children of all ages will enjoy this messy activity.

Pour some corn flour into a bowl and mix it with cold water until it becomes thick, so you can still pour it but feels solid under pressure. Pour the cornflour onto the a baking tray with sides and allow the children to explore the texture of the mixture.I found this very good when my son was learning his numbers and his phonics at nursery as you can write in it then it totally disappears.

Different toys can be added for the children to play with in the cornflour such as megablocks, cars or animals.

A small amount of food colouring or essences can also be added to the water when mixing the cornflour.

What I love most about this is how it totally confused my children. How can something solid ( when in the tray) then run through your fingers like water? Go on have a go, but take it from me have a cloth handy and enjoy some fun time.