SPD (Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction) or PGP (Pelvic Girdle Pain)
The first thing you need to know is that for most people SPD (or PGP as it is more recently named) is very likely to only last as long as the pregnancy. I in 4 pregnancies will have some SPD pain, but only 7% will have continued discomfort after the birth.
What Is It?
The pain can be anywhere around the pelvis, but typically will be lower back, hip joints and/or the pubic bone itself. It can, in some cases, radiate down the legs. Many state they can feel the pubic bones rubbing together when they move.
How Is It Caused?
The pregnancy hormones cause a relaxing of muscle and ligament, which results in a stretching of bones (necessary to accommodate a baby or babies). The cartilage joining the two pubic bones overstretch and become out of alignment. It is this that causes nerve and joint damage and pain.