Mainstream School Health Examination

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School age health review

During your child’s first year in mainstream school, a full health screening will be carried out. This is normally done by one of the school nursing team, and then will be forwarded to your child’s health visitor; who will then contact you if there are any concerns.

We received a letter asking for permission once he started school. He then had the examinations during his school day.

Jake was a bit concerned about it when we first told him, but was fine on the day when all his class went through together for the height and weight measurements to be taken. The hearing and vision tests were carried on with the children on their own.

Three weeks after the examinations we were sent a letter from the school nursing team regarding his weight, as he has always been borderline underweight and they wanted to monitor him in school for his first year. This entailed having his weight redone and recorded every three months. They were happy with his progress at first, but he was later referred to a paediatric dietitian.

Examinations carried out

• Height

• Weight

• Hearing test

• Vision test

If there are any concerns regarding these tests, then your health visitor or school nurse will make revisions for them to be monitored. A referral may also be made to the relevant medical profession to do further testing.

--Kerryflump (talk) Kerryflump 10:28, 4 May 2013 (UTC)