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Revision as of 12:12, 13 May 2013 by Mad Margaret (talk | contribs)
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Hi. Well, what can I say about me before parenthood? To be honest it's a struggle to even remember that far back.

I live in a very small village in the Scottish borders. It's very scenic, which is probably something I never appreciated when I was young.

I have had a varied job history. I have worked in factories, been a Nanny, worked in a Children's Home, adults with spinal injuries and finally the last ten years I have worked with the elderly, either in the community or in Care Homes. I enjoy this type of work and especially specialised in Dementia care.

I moved from my quiet village to Glasgow in 2003 and met Chris. Things moved on and we fell in love. In 2006 I decided that I had had enough of the city and was becoming very homesick, so we moved back to my home village. This has been the best decision for us and even though Chris has been born and bred in the city, he would never leave the country now.

We enjoyed our lives before being parents and would take off at the drop of a hat for weekends away and eating out. But we enjoy our lives even more now, still have weekends away, but eating out has to be earlier in the evening.

We probably lead a very quiet life compared to others. Our daughter is nearly three and we have yet to leave her to have an evening on our own. At the moment we both feel we are not ready to leave her with anybody. I know the day will come when she wants to go for a sleepover, but until that day she stays nice and safe with us.

--Teresal (talk) Teresal 21:56, 12 May 2013 (UTC)