

Our Experience

Arghhhhhhh! Does that sum it up?

The "Terrible Two's", the moment our little angels turn into little monsters

When Did It Start

Well it wasn't on his second birthday, no we were lulled into a false sense of security with our little boy going months before his first tantrum.

Rather smugly we were hearing friends experiences of how their gorgeous children had turned into head twirling, leg kicking monsters whilst our little boy remained as passive as ever.

Then one day, it happened, something wasn't to his liking and cue the scream! Now where did that come from - someone make it stop!

Trigger Points

For our little boy tiredness and frustration are the culprits, if he misses his nap or gets over tired something so simple like picking up one of his precious toys when he doesn't want you to can result in a scream.

He isn't talking yet (that's for discussion on another Wikimum section) but that we feel is also a big part of him getting frustrated at wanting something and neither of us understanding what it is he wants or needs.

Getting Off Lightly

We only have short sharp scream and usually that is it, temper tantrums for some parents are much worse with full on kicking, screaming, head banging and so on, we are hoping Daniels tantrums don't escalate any more than they are at the moment, we also have been really lucky with just one "public" tantrum when you just feel everyone is staring at you, shaking their heads at terrible parenting.

How We Deal With It

Well, there's the million dollar question, how do you deal with tantrums? I'm sure every parent asks this and I don't know the correct answer. We tend to take each tantrum separately, we tend to ignore most screams and carry on but occasionally when they have escalated to full on tears and upset one of us has given him a cuddle and within a few moments its over.


Here's a link to the NHS website with some helpful advice [NHS website]

--Sarahob (talk) Sarahob 22:07, 7 October 2013 (UTC)